We are big fans of Drobo!
Our NAS media devices of choice!

Drobo NAS Devices

Drobo NAS Drives in the office

To understand what this means we will give you an introduction to this type of storage.

NAS means: Network Access Storage.

These are devices which are connected to your home network that can be accessed at any point in time.

Our method of accessing Drobo’s for media playback is to connect them to custom built XBMC players. These players are able to play back many different high definition media formats.
Once you have purchased your favourite movie and uploaded it to your Drobo (or uploaded the videos from your latest vacation) a simple scan of the media library on your XBMC player will import the files and prepare them for playback. Once the media library has refreshed you will be able to view the content on any television within your home. (If these XBMC players are being distributed to multiple televisions via Video Distribution).

Hard Drives do fail 

Drobo uses a Raid system to ensure that all data uploaded to them is backed up and safe should any hard drives in the bays fail. This is a reality that unfortunately Hard Drives do fail from time to time.

As Drobos are Network Storage, they are suitable for backing up any important data that you would like to keep safe. In our office we use these for Time Machine backups from the Apple Macbooks that we use for work.

Drobo’s use multiple bay’s for hard drives storage. With this in mind, hard drives can be replaced to increase capacity at any time. In a usual installation we will use five 2Terabyte hard drives to give us a total capacity of 8Terabytes.

We always enjoy working with Drobo’s for storage. If you would like to discuss a storage solution for your media requirements, please get in contact with us.